Monday, June 14, 2010


Life for me is pretty cool. I'm surrounded by incredibly talented folks day in and day out. That includes other photographers, designers and just all-around brilliant minds. Creating things with my hands has always been something I have failed miserably at doing so I have a newfound respect for KNOTS creator Megan Malone. Her abilities are up there at the top of the list when I think of those around me who can create pieces of art from nothing.

Luckily for her I'm having a baby girl - Blair Harvi - in the next few months so my wallets has been emptied a few times already buying pieces from her. And every dollar has been well spent.

I'm gearing up for a shoot in the coming weeks to showcase her work in a reginoal magazine. This past weekend I picked up a bunch of pieces and will post a few images on here as a sneak peek to what I'll be shooting with some local babies and toddlers.

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