Friday, August 21, 2009

Lacey & Stevi

The regional magazine, SHE, is prepping for its 4th issue and asked me once again to shoot the cover. I've already provided photography for the first 3 issues and was excited when they told me this issue would be about parenting.

I contacted Lacey about doing a shoot with her 1-year old daughter Stevi. They were excited to do it so we made arrangements for the shoot to be on a Wednesday. A week before I moved the shoot to Thursday for some reason. Lucky for us we had the best day of the summer - cool temperatures with a nice breeze. It felt like Fall already!

We shot for about 45 minutes and didn't have one bad shot! Believe it or not, I did absolutely ZERO photoshop work on Stevi's eyes. None!!! They are as real as can be.

Watch out mom and dad...she's going to be a cutie!

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