I'm from neither St. Mary's Colgan or Girard but growing up in Southeast Kansas has provided me the knowledge to know that when these two teams meet up on the football field, there is bound to be some excitement.
Since I recently photographed both the cheerleading squad and dance team at Colgan, I decided to go to this game and photograph the cheerleaders AND football game.
Now THIS is how you block someone!
Missed me!
Dance teamers getting nuts in the stands!
A little history - I'm a Uniontown kid and we occasionally defeat Colgan in football...and that's pretty much the extent to any so-called rivalry we have with them. One of our clients bleeds Colgan Panther blue and I bleed Uniontown orange so every year around football season we raz each other just a bit and I typically lose the battle. This year...she and her daughter and the entire cheer squad went the extra mile in their razzing and supplied me with a St. Marys Colgan shirt signed by ALL the cheerleaders.
So...I wore it to the game. And I will say that it didn't hurt that bad to put it on. I'll wear it again! But I will be looking for a way to get them to wear some Uniontown orange very soon!!!