I've always wanted to do a Trash the Dress photo shoot. Today was my lucky day. I had talked with one of my friends, Casey, awhile ago about possibly doing one of these. She was all for it!
Most girls have plenty of formal dresses...they just refuse to get them dirty. Casey was up for anything...even a jump in the lake!
We started out in an old warehouse and then moved to an abandoned rail bridge before heading to Lake Fort Scott where the fun began!
The original plan was to have her use the main dock of the lake, next to the boat ramp where all the fisherman hang out. But when we got there, there were some old crusties hanging around so I phoned cousin Jon and asked to use his dock. Once we arrived we were greeted by Jon and his parents, who were working on their lake house. They hung out and watched as the graceful Casey launched herself from the dock into waters a lot colder than their appearance.
Lucky for me, she didn't sink to the bottom in the dress. Then she volunteered to do it all over again! The above shot with her touching both toes is the second attempt...which also resulted in her busting the straps off her dress. So we literally did TRASH the dress.
Enjoy the pix!